Synopsis in a Sentence: Three friends, Liz, Betty and Julia find themselves searching for love and adventure during the World War II era.
My Thoughts:
This was just such an absolutely lovely and charming book! I really loved it. The romance in this novel (which I believe is a debut for Kristina McMorris), is quaint, simple and so sweet. I have always been interested in the romance and heroism so prevalent during the World War II years. My Grandfather was injured while flying in a B-24 plane during the war, and I have never forgotten his story.
I love this book so much that I kinda wish I had written it hehe! :) It's one that I might even read again one day, which doesn't happen very often in my reading life. This book also has one of the prettiest covers I've ever seen- it's very vintage looking and feminine and is what attracted me to the book in the first place.
The gist of this story is that Liz meets a soldier, Morgan at a USO dance, shortly before he is about to be sent overseas. There is a misunderstanding between them, but they still end up writing letters to one another while Morgan is fighting the war in Europe. Meanwhile, Liz's best friends also are dealing with their own love lives and choices.
I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a sweet, sugary romance in anticipation of Spring! This would make a great beach read for those who are already embarking on vacations. Enjoy!!! :)